The Untapped Power Of Imagination

Within all of us lies the great power of imagination. However it’s vastly underused and only few recognize the powerful gift of it. But this tool could be your best tool to be as successful as you want in your life.

What is the imagination and why is it such a powerful tool?

So my dear friends, within all of us lies the great power of imagination. However it’s vastly underused and only few recognize the powerful gift of it. But this tool could be your best tool to be as successful as you want in your life. The truth is that every successful person that ever existed, either consciously or unconsciously tapped into vastness of their creative imagination. Every invention, achievement or success story began in somebody’s mind – in their imagination.

My aim of writing this article is to expand your potential of creative imagination, so you can start using it to your best benefit.

Let’s start. Firstly we all use imagination in our daily life so whenever we plan anything – work, trip, hobby other activity related things. However we just do it on a very much automated level without putting much attention to it. And that could be quite a hinderance. Imagination without conscious/deliberate positive intent, can have quite a negative impact. Why? Considering that majority of  our thoughts run in mostly in worrisome and negative spiral, it directly impacts our imagination. So let’s look into two following categories that we use our imagination.


Negative/Destructive vs. Positive/Creative imagination

Negative or destructive imagination stems from having negative mental pictures, sounds or other sensory perceptions that create fearful feeling for a person. Most of people have a tendency to picture all possible things how something can go wrong. Classical examples are – receiving rejection when asking someone for a date, or being rejected at an interview, or panicking during a presentation, getting into an accident, you get the picture. There are endless number of examples where people imagine worst case scenarios. Why? Because on some level they believe that this imagination will help them prevent it. The truth however is that these automated negative imaginations are making us handicap in achieving what we want. The more we practice them unconsciously, the more they become part of our daily routines taking over our lives. In a nutshell destructive imagination is built on fear, and stops us from leading the life we want. But the good news is, that you can change them! How? Firstly become consiously aware that suffering, anxiety and unhappiness in people is often conditioned by their negative imagination spiral habits. Instead of fighting destructive negative imagination, put an effort to refocusing on positive mental imagery by using creative imagination that all of us posses.

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” – Albert Einstein

Positive/Creative imagination has an immense potential to expand you, let you see different perspective to numerous situations, and finally to help you achieve all you want it life. When you are in creative imagination mode, there are no limits no boundaries of wonderful things that can happen or that you can have. Ask yourself frequently following questions:

  • If there were no limits, what is the best possible way the given situation I’m in can evolve?
  • What is the best possible way I can spend this day, next month, this coming year?
  • Imagine the person you admire the most. Why do you admire them? Imagine that you have all the qualities yourself that you admire in them, how does it feel?
  • Imagine you have all the time and money you want to have. What is the best possible way you can spend your life with this abundance? Allow your creative imagination to run wild.
  • How would it look if you have your dream job, where you feel super successful and very much appreciated and all your needs were met?
  • How would the best relationship look like in your life?
  • How would it be if you felt super lucky?
  • Frequently imagine having things you’ve always wanted, how does it feel?

Creating these imaginations does not make you a daydreamer. It makes you see the potential of yourself that your mind does not allow you in your in day to day entangled life. This lets you expand your consciousness, your ability to create new opportunities for yourself.  If you do not start to expect best possible outcomes, the life will continue throwing the worst case scenarios that you’ve so much anticipated in your minds’ eye.

Exercise the amazing power of imagination.

Set at least 5 minutes a day to expand your imagination and create your ideal life in your mind. Firstly it will make you feel good and importantly your with every exercise your subconscious mind will start to accept the possibility of positive outcomes, thus leaving the negative imagery spiral behind. If you take time to train your positive imagination muscle, you will start noticing the opportunities on your way that you haven’t noticed before. You will start attracting positive people and circumstances in your life.

It truly doesn’t matter what your present situation looks like, if you’re broke, unhappy, lonely etc. Start using your creative imagination to change your habits of negative spiraling thoughts and imagery, and you will see the huge impact creative imagination can have on your life.

‘‘The man who has no imagination has no wings.’’ – Muhammad Ali

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